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The Opticon RadioNet Pilot will build the capacities of astronomers and engineers with the knowledge and skills required to take full advantage of astronomical infrastructures. This is essential because the specialist knowledge involved in data acquisition and analysis from different astronomical observations require specialised, tailored training of the user base. This will be done by offering:

  • common training schools, where synergies between optical and radio astronomical data analyses can be exploited, encouraging mobility, networking and knowledge transfer between different communities;
  • a set of specialised schools and workshops led by experts, where the next generation of users will be trained in the basics and finer points of instruments, data acquisition and analysis from both optical and radio observatories.

Technical schools and workshops in appropriate institutes and observatories will be organised to ameliorate the lack of systematic training in observational astrophysics in most universities, and the progressive disappearance of “training at the telescope”.

Facility 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025  
EVN   ERIS 2022 CASA VLBI workshop 2023


IRAM 10th IRAM 30-meter School on Millimetre Astronomy 11th IRAM Interferometry School   12th IRAM Interferometry School 2024    
e-MERLIN     e-MERLIN data school      
LOFAR       7th LOFAR DATA School    
ALMA   ALMA Science Archive School   First European ALMA school    
NEON   2022 NEON Observing School  

2023 NEON Observing School

2024 NEON Observing School

2025 NEON Observing School  

2023 ORP Instrumentation School

ORP International School: Observing with Adaptive Optics


Synergy     2023 Proposal Writing School ORP multi-messenger school/Synergy school    


date place meeting
02-14.02.2025 Andalucia/ES 2025 NEON Observing School
18-22.11.2024 Grenoble/FR 12th IRAM Interferometry School 2024
13-25.10.2024 Greece/GR 2024 NEON Observing School
30.09-04.10.2024 Granada/ES ERIS2024
29.09-04.10.2024 Provence/FR ORP International School: Observing with Adaptive Optics
02-06.09.2024 Bonn/DE 16th European VLBI Network Symposium and Users' Meeting
02-06.09.2024 Durham/UK ORP multi-messenger school/Synergy school
10-14.06.2024 Manchester/UK First European ALMA school
04-16.02.2024 Asiago/IT 2023 NEON Observing School
15-19.04.2024 Dwingeloo/NL 7th LOFAR DATA School
23-25.10.2023 Manchester/UK e-MERLIN data school
05-09.06.2023 Dwingeloo/NL CASA VLBI workshop 2023
17-26.05.2023 Milan/IT 2023 ORP Instrumentation School
20.02.-20.03.2023 Online 2023 Proposal Writing School
21-25.11.2022 Grenoble/FR 11th IRAM Interferometry School
5-7.10.22 Bologna/IT  ALMA Science Archive School
2-14.10.2022 OHP/FR 2022 NEON Observing School 
19-23.09.2022 Dwingeloo/NL ERIS 2022
15-19, 22-23.11.2021  online 10th IRAM 30-meter School on Millimetre Astronomy

Training News