Over 100 astronomers attended the Wave-Front Sensor (WSF) 2021: WFS2021: Wavefront Sensing in the VLT ERA VII Workshop - sponsored by ORP - organised on 1-3 December 2021 as a hybrid meeting in Valparaíso, Chile.
The WFS Workshop 2021 was planned as a single track meeting with several sessions devoted to share and discuss over the latest advancements in WFS technologies and applications, while discussing its implications in Adaptive Optics (AO) systems. By gathering a large range of experienced and early-career instrument scientists and astronomers the workshop developed an environment to facilitate dissemination of cutting-edge research as well as to discuss challenges, best-practices and lessons learnt from existing instrumentation.
Along with a series of invited speakers, there was also a special session on current applications and trends of artificial intelligence and deep learning in the design and improvement of WFSs and wavefront reconstruction. The meeting gathered more than 100 participants every day, with 55 talks. All talks are available online here.
The next edition will be organised in Porto (Portugal) in late 2022.