The 2023A call for observing time at optical/IR telescopes supported by the Opticon RadioNet Pilot project is now open.
The Opticon RadioNet Pilot project offers a series of 12 trans-national access (TA) providing access to 8 of Europe’s largest and most powerful radio facilities ranging from sub-mm to metre wavelengths and including large single dishes as well as interferometer networks across Europe, East Asia, Russia and South Africa. At optical/IR wavelengths, ORP provides access to 14 telescopes from 0.4m to 10m diameter, with state-of-the art capabilities in wide-field imaging, imaging and multi-object spectroscopy, polarimetry, and high-resolution spectroscopy tailored for exoplanet detection and characterization. In addition, dedicated user support to two of the most complex interferometric facilities ALMA and VLTI.
On the following pages further information can be found regarding opportunities for Transnational Access: