ORP is launching “ORP Science Talks” that will take place once a month on Zoom, providing the community (ORP and hopefully beyond) with the opportunity to present their work and scientific results.
The first session will take place on April 3 at 11 am CEST, featuring Cosimo Inserra, who works on Supernovas, and Zsofia Nagy specialised in Young Stellar Objects. You are welcome to join by clicking here!
Each meeting will last approximately one hour and will follow this structure:
- 10 min: sharing of general information from participants (information on upcoming schools, the next call for proposals, etc.).
- 40 min: scientific presentations based on ORP results (two presentations per session).
- 10 min: questions & AOB
Please pass this information on to anyone who might be interested in sharing their scientific work at this virtual meeting.
Volunteers are welcome!
Contact sub-emt@orp-h2020.eu for more information.