VLTI schools of interferometry have been organised roughly every two years since the opening of the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer in 2002. They have helped to train hundreds of astrophysicists in using interferometry and the instruments at VLTI and other facilities for their research.
The 12th VLTI school will focus on the interferometric modeling of gaseous and dusty disks around young stars and astrometry/spectroscopy of exoplanets. The school will be divided in two parts:
- a first week (September 16-19) of online lectures covering the basics of interferometry, the VLTI and its 2nd generation instruments (GRAVITY and MATISSE), CHARA and its instruments, ALMA, and the principles of image reconstruction and model fitting.
- A second week (September 22-28) in Porquerolles, which will consist of hands-on sessions covering the preparation of observing proposals and observations, data reduction and vizualization, image reconstruction, and data analysis. In parallel, several review talks will be given on the various science cases addressed by optical interferometry.
Attendance to the first week of online lecture is mandatory to participate to the onsite practice sessions
Pre-registration is now open.
For full info, read here.