Videos from ORP Science Talks #1
On April 3, 2024, the first session of the "ORP Science Talks" took place. It was opened by Rob Beswick, who briefly presented ORP's Multi-Facility Call for Proposals.
Watch Beswick’s introduction.
Watch Zsófia Nagy’s presentation on young stellar objects.
Watch Cosimo Inserra’s presentation on supernovas. Listen to his response to Daniel Dicken's question regarding the impact that ORP makes, here.
Videos from ORP Science Talks #2
On June 5, 2024, the second session of the "ORP Science Talks" took place on Zoom.
Dr. Gyula Jozsa (MPIfR) opened the session with a presentation on the impact of satellites on astronomy and the responses from the astronomical community. He highlighted that we are approaching the golden age of astronomy and, at the same time, the golden age of protecting it. Non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) telecommunications satellites pose a significant threat, necessitating innovative actions and rapid response. In this regard, the initial results of ORP's efforts are very promising.
Watch Gyula’s presentation here: part 1 (Satellites and Astronomy, CRAF, ORP Sky Protection Group), part 2 (Starlink Observations, RAS), part 3 (CPS & the Call to Protect the Dark and Quiet Sky), part 4 (Conclusion and Q&A)
The second talk was delivered by Prof. Łukasz Wyrzykowski (UNIWARSAW), who introduced the BHTOM telescope network. BHTOM is a photometric virtual observatory designed for long-term and varying cadence multi-filter observations of any type of targets—without proposals, TAC, or time limits.
Watch Łukasz’s presentation here.
Videos from ORP Science Talks #3
On September 25, 2024, the third session of the "ORP Science Talks" took place on Zoom.
Watch Antonia Drescher’s talk about the galactic center, which harbours the closest supermassive black hole, Sgr A*, here: first part, second part.
Watch Taro Shimizu’s presentation, entitled "A New Era of Precision SMBH masses with GRAVITY+", here.
Videos from ORP Science Talks #4
On January 15th, 2025, the fourth session of the "ORP Science Talks" took place on Zoom.
Watch Nikolas Zimmermann’s talk about “J-Band Follow-Up Observations for Selected High-Redshift eROSITA/eRASS1 Galaxy Cluster Candidates”, here.
Watch Dane Späth’s presentation, entitled “Planets, Oscillations, or Convection? - Mysterious Variations in the Radial Velocity of Giant Stars”, here.
Videos from ORP Science Talks #5
On January 22nd, 2025, the fifth session of the "ORP Science Talks" took place on Zoom.
Watch Viktoria Pinter’s talk about "Deep K-band surface brightness photometry of dE galaxies", here.
Watch Nada Ihanec’s presentation, entitled "Study of peculiar, high amplitude nuclear flares", here: part 1, part 2.
Videos from ORP Science Talks #6
On February 12th, 2025, the sixth session of the "ORP Science Talks" took place on Zoom.
Watch Antoine Strugarek’s talk on "The quest to unravel star-planet magnetic interactions in the HD 189733 system", here: part 1, part 2.
Watch Irene Salmaso’s resentation, entitled "Interacting supernovae and the quest for high energy neutrinos", here.
Videos from ORP Science Talks #7
On February 19th, the seventh session of the "ORP Science Talks" took place on Zoom.
Caroline Kulcsar (IOTA) presented “Optimal Control of Adaptive Optics in the H2020 ORP: Why and How This Will Impact Your Observations”, featuring the first results from the Gran Telescopio Canarias (10m-class telescope).
Lucas Marquis (Université de Berne), who collaborated on this research, presented on the same topic.
Listen to their talks here.
Following them, Maximilian Stritzinger (University of Aarhus, Denmark) spoke about “Following the Light of Supernovae: Research Powered by OPTICON Telescope Time". Listen to his talk here: part 1, part 2.