The sixth session of the "ORP Science Talks" will take place on February 12 at 11am CET, featuring Antoine Strugarek and Irene Salmaso. You are welcome to join by clicking here!
Short descriptions of the next speakers' talks:
Antoine Strugarek
The quest to unravel star-planet magnetic interactions in the HD 189733 system
Over the last two decades, a large population of close-in planets has been detected around a wide variety of host stars. Such planets are thought to strongly interact with the ambient magnetised stellar atmosphere and wind they orbit in. This interaction can lead to enhanced stellar activity, which detection should ultimately allow constraining the size of exoplanetary magnetospheres.
Irene Salmaso
Interacting supernovae and the quest for high energy neutrinos
Massive stars experience strong mass loss in the years before the explosion, which creates a dense circumstellar medium (CSM) around them. When they explode as supernovae (SNe), the ejecta collide with the CSM giving rise to strong shocks that power the light curve for a long time. Shocked regions are ideal furnaces for particle acceleration and production of high energy neutrinos, but no association between the two phenomena has ever been observed. In her talk, Salmaso will show the results of the analysis of a small sample of strongly-interacting SNe, highlighting the diversity in their parameters and how these affect the production of HE neutrinos.