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  • VLTI

    20 February - 20 March 2023 (each Monday)

    The school will include an introduction to how proposals are reviewed by Time Allocation Committees (TACs), unconscious bias in proposal review and the (double-)blind proposal review system. The students will take part in group work that involves forming mini-TACs to review a set of professionally written proposals to gain experience on the process. There will also be sessions on building a science and technical case for their own proposals, with expert advice from tutors on what to do and avoid when writing an observing proposal.

  • ORP Radio TA/VA leaders meeting 

  • VLTI

    9-12 January 2023

    Supported by the EU-funded Opticon RadioNet Pilot (ORP), the "VLTI and ALMA Synthesis Imaging" Workshop will be held at ESO Headquarters in Garching near Munich. The program starts on Monday the 9th to midday of Thursday the 12th local time (January 2023).

  • ORP logo

    7 December 2022

    JA4 Training group meeting

  • ORP

    29-30 November 2022

    ORP Consortium Meeting, previously organized as Telescope Director Forum 2021, retains its original objectives. It aims at reviewing the project activities and structuring future goals. It takes advantage of different partners of the consortium being present: WP leaders and members, Board/Exec members, owners of the infrastructures, funding agencies, management and guests. The ORP Consortium Meeting will allow everyone to become aware of the project developments, to provide inputs to possible solutions, and to shape the future steps.